
The Walsh CyberCenter

Walsh’s CyberCenter provides valuable resources for students, professionals and organizations surrounding Walsh’s Information Technology Decision Sciences programs.

Student Assistance

Students interested in information on Walsh’s information technology, decision sciences and cybersecurity programs will find valuable links on NSA CAE and program validation. Custom designed cyber and car labs are also available for student use. Student engagement and career transition information is offered.

Organizational Assistance

Organizations can find themselves needing assistance or guidance. Sometimes internships with students can assist organizations or provide the assistance needed. As new standards, technology and emerging trends shift our society, organizations may find themselves needing an expert for guidance or work. If your organization would like assistance, guidance or interns, please go to the Contact Us page and complete a request.

Research and Publications

Walsh’s CyberCenter offers research, information and success tips from our subject matter experts. New research, thought leadership and critical tips for students and professionals are available free of charge.