
CyberCenter – CarLab

Operational technology, also known as cyber physical systems, enable many segments of our modern life. The electric grid, medical technology, building control systems and manufacturing technology all interact with the environment, requiring a very different set of cybersecurity skills. College and university programs frequently focus solely on traditional cybersecurity. Walsh integrates cyber physical defensive techniques into all cybersecurity programs. The Walsh Automotive Cybersecurity program imparts critical knowledge and skills on vehicle and vehicle ecosystem security. Automotive cybersecurity extends well beyond the vehicle itself, into the extended technologies supporting the entire vehicle ecosystem. Charging, electrical grid, wireless, Smart Cities and support infrastructure all integrate into a hybrid approach required for this evolutionary industry. To provide students opportunities to expand their skills, Walsh has created the CarLab.

Walsh’s Cyber Lab is a custom-designed, dynamic research and training environment to develop highly-skilled automotive cybersecurity professionals.

  1. Actual vehicle with vehicle networks
  2. Simulated vehicle networks
  3. Infrastructure scanning and mapping equipment
  4. Remote access to physical equipment
  5. Unscripted attack on vehicle systems

Walsh’s CyberLab is available at Walsh’s Troy Campus in Room 122. All CarLab services and student access is also available remotely through Walsh’s CyberLab online.

Walsh Information Technology courses leveraging hands on labs through the CarLab include:

  • IT 450 Fundamentals of Automotive Cybersecurity
  • IT 451 Automotive Network Strategies, Tools, and Techniques
  • IT 452 Connected Automotive Ecosystems & Attack Surfaces
  • IT 453 Advanced Automotive Penetration Testing & Threat Analysis
Image of the CarLab